Yesterday we were out all day as it was my eldest Emily's end of college fashion Exhibition. It was a lovely event with all the class's work being displayed, all their sketch books to view, their dresses set out on mannequins, and nibbles and wine too , a perfect day!
The inspiration for Emily's subject for her final project was Medieval armour and dress as its something shes always been interested in . She went up to the Tower Of London with John and they had a great day out and she took lots of photos and sketches for her research.
She used influences like Jen Kao's Fall 2010 collection and Reem Acra's Prefall 2010 collection for her work.
Her finished design took her only 2 and a half weeks to complete and I think its absolutly stunning! The fabric is stretch jersy silk and we had a nightmare of a time locating it in the right colour and it cost an arm and a leg but it was worth it as the dress hung and draped so beautifully.
Emily took the photos of the dress modelled by her friend all herself and i think she could even have the ability to do fashion photography as they are superb!
We visited the exhibition and viewed her sketch books, art books etc, and her dress really stood out in the room! I know we are biased but we think hers was the best by far and everyone was commenting on it. Even 3rd year fashion graduate students were saying how wonderful it was, what compliments! Her tutors were thrilled too.
She will keep the dress, she was going to try and sell it to recoupe the money spent but she cant bear to part with it now........and anyway I want to wear it!!!
We are so so proud of her! She will attend Epsom university in September to further her career in Fashion doing a BA in design and I think we could have a star on our hands!!
So well done Emily, your hard work in the last 2 years has really paid off and you are showing all the signs of being a top designer so keep it up, we are so very very proud!!
Here are some pics of the dress both on the mannequin at the show, on her friend and with her and our 3 little monkeys ( who were so well behaved i have to say!!) at the show!
As you can see she had to have new shoes for the show, all near 5 inches of them so as she towered over me and everyone else!
In the background you can see some of the other dresses, the one behind Emily's was an Alice in Wonderland inspired dress so of course we loved that one. The friend of Emily's Jen had designed and printed the fabric all herself and it was lots of tiny images of Alice characters, very cool......but we still loved Em's the best!!
Oh by the way Ive never learnt how to display pictures inbetween my text and can only seem to get it all with pics at the top whch dosnt show it off as Id like, can anyone email me to let me know how to get it so pics can be posted with text that goes with it ? thankyou!!
The dress is beautiful and so is your daughter! You must be very proud of her! Well dońe Emily!
Kate, I am very impressed! Her work is beautiful...plus that jersey is a b*tch to sew with..
I, too, struggle with getting my pictures in the right place. I discovered (duh!) that the last one uploaded (or is it downloaded?) is the first one shown and that it is best (for me anyway) to put all the pictures in first and then write the text in between. I still often do it incorrectly which is one of the reasons I don't post stuff as often as I'd like.
Hey Kate I couldn't find your email address but putting photos where you want should be easy. When you've already put the photo in the post, mark it with the left mouse button and drag it where you want :)
The dress is wonderful Kate, the colour is perfect and it drapes beautifully. Say congrats and well done to your daughter from us too. I'm glad you all had a wonderful day :0)
Julia xxx
PS. I get my text in between photos by clicking and dragging them too.
Kate, you must be as pleased as punch. Emily's dress is absolutely beautiful. It so reminded me of the Medieval Day we had last year and Harry in his Armour. You have a very clever and beautiful Daughter. xxx
Many Congratulations Emily, I hope you have a wonderful time at University and that all your dreams come true. xxx
Kate, meant to say you can drag the pictures around in your blog and I've just realised that The Old Maid has already told you how to do it..LOL Having one of them days..x
I was gonna tell you the same thing Tabitha said, lol....but I gotta a question....When your writing your blog, do you see your pictures, or is it just a bunch of words?? You can switch it! I find it easier to set it on the pictures one. Hope I'm making sense, if not let me know and I'll try and do a better job:)
Now...For your beautiful daughter...thought it was you at first! She's your 'mini me', huh?? Love, Love her dress!! Love the color, and the idea of it! Beautiful!!
My fave, fave, fave purple ever! Its also the colour of my fave flower the foxglove. Would have been my fave too.
I've been really nosey and looked closely at the other final dresses too, but none of them come close.
The tailoring in emily's is far superior and i'd have been proud as punch too. She has realy thought about movement and flow, and i bet she's going to get some fantastic grades.
Emily is going to have a fab time at Uni and i will look forward to more updates. will live my dreams through her!
Being a fashion designer was something i too would have like to be among many. I could just never decide because i liked everything.
Did you see the girl around 18/19 at kensington with the elf clothes on? She was with her boyfriend and they kind of looked a bit hippy.
At first you wouldnt have guessed because the way they were made was so clever. I loved her clothes, tight, shoes and had her showing everything in depth. I even made her show me her purse and bag which were all elf based, lol. And her shoes were gorgeous. I even loved her hair because it was like medievel and just natural looking.
I'll try and dig out the list i made her write of where she bought everything and email. Maybe emily would like to look into them.
I sound mad i know but they were a lovely couple and they liked my noseyness, lol... i think!
Sorry i have been unable t comment recently. Im struggling to keep up with all the blogs.
Nikki xxx
Ooh i never knew about the left mouse button and dragging.
I just type away and then add the photo. Type away and add, and just keep going like that.
Oh, Kate, what a lovely family you have AND that dress is just absolutely gorgeous!!!!
Well done, Emily!!!!
Dragging the photos is the easiest way but I don't use that function of blogger as I don't care for it so I move my photos in the html tab.
Ah Kate you must both be so proud of your gorgeous and talented daughter. It's on days like that when all your hard work and trouble feel truly worth it.
Well done to all of you!
WOW, that dress is absolutely stunning!! She does have a definite talent there and the pics she took are wonderful too!! Where is the pic of you in your new dress?hehe
I too use the html tab to add my pics.
Oh, I think Emily's new shoes are awesome too by the way! I love wearing those kind of shoes especially when I go out with my husband. It makes me almost as tall as he is and he is 6'2".
Absolutely stunning Kate and my favourite colour too !
Your daughter is so talented and she is beautiful too, a good combination :0)
You must be very proud and I hope you get to wear the dress
julie xxxxxxxxxxx
Wow, wow, wow....what a talent she has. Like Nikki says she really put thought into the movement and drape of the dress. It is stunning.
As is Emily...and she looks so much like you xxx
I wish I'd know you when I got married...that is exactly the type of dress I was looking for.
As for the pic placement...hmm. Are you using the old setting editor or the updated one.
The updated one means you can upload more than one pic at once but I find it hard to move the images about. And there is no spell checker. With the old editor
you can only upload one pic at once but it is easier to move them. Just upload them all to the top then right click and cut. Put your cursor where you want it to be and right click , paste.
I can see the talent! The dress is wonderful and I love how it moves. The way it hangs is just superb! :o))
Your daughter Emily looks just like you!!!! I wish her the very best at Uni, I know she will love it. ;o)
I'm hoping my email about the photo's and text work for you like they do me! :o)
Michelle xxx
Have sent you an email Kate regarding house.
Oh, I love the dress!! Emily is soooo talented!! Purple is one of my favourite colours, too. I love the way it flows, almost dream-like & romantic. Her photography is spot on, too. I wish her lots & lots of luck at uni, she'll have a fab time!!
p.s. I sent you an e-mail a few days ago, but not too sure whether you've recieved it yet.
Lots of hugs & stuff, Kerry.x.
Not only is emily beautiful shes talented too.....the dress is just stunning!
Kate, Emily is beautiful and what a wonderful dress. She is unmistakably your daughter. You must be so proud. Good luck to her with her course. love Jain xx
Woooooooooooooooooooooooooow what a cool fantastic wonderful Gothic dress I love it! They would so sell in the Gothic world for wedding dresses. Say a big well done to Emily from me for doing so well and she looks fab in the dress too.
Thankyou sooooooo much everybody for the comments. It's really lovely and very encouraging to hear these things!! So again, thankyou very much!! I'm very pleased and proud of my dress and will have to post pictures of mum wearing it if she ever tries it on!
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