Just after Halloween the Postman knocked again, and another massive box arrived all the way from the USA!
I had been waiting on a parcel from Jamie Moore http://creepycreations.blogspot.com/ but only expecting a small box, nothing like this!
I opened it up and had to call the children and tell them all to get dressed , quick sticks so I could take some pics of the beautifully wrapped and named packages inside! It was first thing Saturday morning and we were all slobbing around so it made us all move, so excited to open it all up!
Inside we loads of tissue wrapped parcels each with the childrens names on and some for me too yippee!
Lola opened hers first and inside was a fabulous little story book with loads of photos taken by Jamies beautiful daughter Kaylie and a lovely story written by Kaylie too all about 3 little puppets. And surprise surprise the 3 hand puppets were in the parcel too so the children had fun all morning with Lola reading the story and them all acting it out with their puppets! Lola got lots of other goodies from her penpal Kaylie too but she wants to blog about them herself so watch out for her posting soon!
Now for a while now Ive been nagging Jamie to make Halloween miniatures as her full size Halloween art is just the best! Jamie has got really into it and Ive shown you some minis she made me before but Jamie wanted to make me something for my haunted house which was so wonderful of her! We thought of a piano as its something I havnt got and then I left it entirely up to Jamie to design and make and even when it was finished I didnt want to see a photo so it was a total surprise!
Jamie sent it way before Halloween but typical postal service it took 3 weeks . But it didnt matter to us that Halloween had passed, all the more fun to make it last longer!
The piano is totally awesome Im sure youll agree! I just love it to pieces thankyou Jamie. It has skulls for feet, and the little fella inside is just the best bit. He is peeking out of the piano with such a spooky expression on his face!
Ill leave it to Jamie to tell you all how she made it , Im hoping she can now show it off on her blog now Ive finally got round to posting it here!
The colouring is perfect and so far I havnt put it in the haunted house. Its on my full size spooky shelf with all my filled bottles and other Halloween and haunted art work. Its so very special it may very well stay here to be shown off in all its glory in the sitting room for all to see!!
I cant thank Jamie and Kaylie enough, I was quite tearful when all my Halloween parcels arrived. I have so wonderful, thoughtful and kind freinds and couldnt do without any of you! Id had a lousy week that week and so had Lola being poorly and this cheered us up no end! It was like Christmas again! Jamie also gave me this fab cauldron shaped tea mug and I use it every day! After all I am a little witch at heart!
So more Hugs overseas to Dear Jamie and Kaylie, just wished you lived over here you guys!!!
Im working on a return package right now with Lola in time for Christmas with a Harry Potter theme as Jamie is in the middle of her very own Potter room box. So watch out that on Jamies blog! I just know it will be spectacular and cant wait to make some things to add to it for her from us here in the UK.