Apologies to those of you who awarded us a couple of wonderful Blog Awards some time ago now!
Due to all apparntly having the Swine flu which I can assure it is not just a heavy cold, its a horrid horrid flu, ours was with continuous sickness too, and you cant shift the sypmtoms or the general feeling of being unwell for several weeks .
We are trying to dose ourselves up with lots of vitamins to boost our systems and have some energy, as missing our hobbies and also miss feeling human!
Thankyou Karin, its an honour from such a creative blog as yours is!
Who has the most wonderful of blogs and is a special friend!
With this blog its fun as you have to list 7 things people may not know about yourselves so here goes!!
1. On leaving school......many years ago!! I went to the London College Of Fashion in Oxford Street for 3 years to study and recieved a plaque for student of the year 1987, yep I was abit of a swat! Now my daughter Emily is following in my footsteps by studying in Fashion too!
2. I owned a Beauty Salon and taught Beauty Therapy to college students until Emily was born
3. I cannot travel over bridges! We had to drive 2 hours out of our way to go around the Dartford Tunnel as i just couldnt drive over it, as a passenger or driver!!
4. I have a Bicornuate Uterus!! A heart shaped uterus having 2 ' lobes' making all 5 children be in Breech position . I also have only 1 working fallopian tube on the right as I lost the other to an ectopic pregnancy, and the doctors were amazed as to how Lola was found to be in the left lobe of my uterus having come down the right fallopian tube......they dont know how she got there when its all seperated!!! A bit of a miracle baby they said.
5. We own 9 cars, 4 scooters, and 3 motorbikes!! We are like a sanctuary for poor classic cars. people stop and say 'are you the the people with the old cars ' and then next thing they ask if we want another one!! John likes to dabble to pass his time!!
6. We NEARLY had Chris Evans and his then Wife Billie Piper as our Wedding witnesses!! We got married in the Isle of Wight, ( told everyone we were off to an exotic Island , they thought it was Bora Bora!!!lol ) We had no one with us and on the day John went to pick up my flowers from the Florist only to bump into the couple buying flowers for the lady who's house they were staying in, at Cowes week. John boldly introdued himself and asked if they wernt doing anything would they be our witenesses as we had no one ! Billie and Chris were lovely and said if they wernt on a friends boat and didnt have to catch the tide they would have jumped at the chance, they were so nice and offered to pay for my flowers!!! So it was a story to tell the Registry office, but also a bit of a dissapointment as we ended up with the receptionist and local librarian............abit of a comedown from celebrities!!!
and lastly no 7!! Between us we have 10 children ( I have 5 and have 5 step children ) and 4 grandchildren , all at the age of 41!! so all in all a busy and expensive house come Christmas time!!!!
Hope that wasnt too boring.
I would like to pass the awards onto all our wonderful and loyal blog followers as Im sure we are so behind with this set of awards that all of you have been passed one or both by now!!! You all have such dream like creative blogs that we love to follow and they have kept us cheery through a month or so of feeling rubbish so thankyou all!!