Well the summer holidays are proving extremely unproductive for anything miniature. we all had big plans for doing lots but none of us have managed to get on with anything! With the little ones at home they want all my attention in playing with them or going out, and then when Emily got her University acceptance they also sent her a huge Summer project so even hopes of completing her room box have been delayed!
But Ive bought and made some minis , just dont seem to get the time to photograph and post on them so watch this space come term time in September.....only 2 more weeks!!!
But today is my eldest Daughter Emily's 18th Birthday so HAPPY BIRTHDAY Em Jems!
Only seems like yesterday she was a babe in arms .She was the best of babies,you could take her anywhere, and shes always been that way. Even today when most people struggle with difficult argumentitive teenagers , I have no problems in that department. Shes grown into a beautiful, intelligent, well behaved, polite young lady that we are incredibly proud of.
I just wanted to show you one of the gifts that I bought her. Of course I had to buy her something in miniature and who better to ask to make a personalised gift than the hugely talented Jayne of http://tallulahbelleoriginals.blogspot.com/
I own several of Jaynes fabulous floozies and asked Jayne to make one called Emily Claire with her personality showing through. Jayne did an exceptional job . The flower is done in shades of the dress that Emily designed for her final fashion college project . Jayne made her tall and slim, with gleaming white teeth and even potted her in a high fashion polka dot pot . Her fern leaves are poseable and we love the look of them as they seem to say 'Da da, look at me' in this pose!
Emily loves it thankyou Jayne, its such an original pressie and Im sure it will set a trend as already little Lola is asking for one in her namesake!
We have had a lovely family dinner today, ( see the pic of us all out, ignore John sticking his tongue out at the camera! Lola took the photo so thats why shes not there!) and are going out to the pub tonight. I think she is going to enjoy being able to buy her Mum a drink at the bar! Here is a pic of cake number 1, the real cake is gorgeous but we didnt want to put candles in it its so posh so will show a pic later!!!e
At the moment Emily is a real home girl and happy to be sat with us all in her evenings, but with Uni luring in a few weeks Im sure all that will change!
But for now I can look back at 18 wonderful years of her growing up and feel content that whatever the coming years hold in store for her, she will always be the very best of daughters.
ERRRRR, I had a comment all typed out and went to publish it and said something failed! I'll try AGAIN!
Well, a big Happy 18th birthday to you, Emily!!!
LOL, Kate, Richard would have done the same thing, stick is tongue out!
One of these days I'm going to get one of Jayne's floosies. I LOVE them!!!
Ah, yes, time has been fleeting here too!!
I enjoyed seeing the family photo!!
Happy Birthday Emily, I hope you ALL have a wonderful day and a great time at the pub too! ;o)))
I didn't notice John's tongue till you said! lol
Jayne's flowers are the best and I love the leaves on that one!! ;o)))
Will email hopefully over the weekend. ;o)
Michelle xxxx
¡¡¡Feliz cumpleaños!!! El regalo de la planta simpática es genial.
Besos Clara.
Happy Birthday Emily....hope you had a super day xxx
I am so happy you like your namesake floozy.....sounds like you are a lot more well behaved than she is though :-)
You are very welcome Kate...I am glad that between us we got it right :-)
Love the photos....you have a lovely family...even the ones with sticky out tongues...what is it with men and having their pics taken...Mick is the same lol.
Feliz 18 cumpleaños, Emily!!!!
Veo que lo habeis pasado genial.
El regalo de la planta, una maravillosa sorpresa.
besitos ascension
Happy birthday Emily! May all your dreams come true!
Happy Birthday to Emily, she is a beautiful young lady. Love her gift.
Aweeee! Happy 18th Emily! My oldest will be 15 this year, and I know how quick they grow up! So glad she can be home with you to share her birthday with! Family is most important!! Had to laugh when you said you had big plans for the summer. It happens to me to! I have all this stuff I want ot get done, and before you know it the kids are going back to school....Which by the way I am counting down to, LOL....18 more days to go and then they all go away again for 8 hours a day! What ever will we do with ourselves???? ............CRAFT~!!!!
Muchas felicidades Emily.
Se ve que pasasteis un día fabuloso.
La plantita es muy graciosa.
Besitos y tirones de oreja, May
Hsappy Birthday to Emily Claire !
Hopeit was a wonderful day, it looks like you were all having fun :0)
That floozie is the most fabulous pressie.
julie xx
Emily, Hope you had an awesome 18th Birtday!!
I am so glad Emily had a wonderful Birthday :-)
I have a floozie too, I shall have to take a photo of her and put her on my blog page for you to see.
Looks like you had a wonderful time Kate. Time seems to be flying by so quickly.
Lovely pressie for Emily and I wish her every success at Uni in September, not long now! xxxxx
happy birthday emily! fab present!
Happy Belated Birthday, Emily.
That miniature plant is just great!!! Looks like you all had a wonderful day!
Happy late Birthday Emily! And what a wonderful gift from your mother from Jayne!! Her plants truely are fabulous, but to have one fasioned after yourself - what a cool gift! hugs, ara
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