I just treated myself to Series 1 of the 'Ghost Whisperer' on DVD, and I thought Id just have a look online to see if I could watch any of the latest episodes on catch up online. While browsing I found this episode in the new Series 4, all Melinda becoming involved in a girl's dollhouse that is full of spirits in need. Its a beautiful dollhouse, so a must for all us mini addicts!
Check it out on http://www.cucirca.com/2009/01/01/ghost-whisperer-season-4-episode-21-cursed/ just click on the red then green play arrows then move your cursor to the bottom of the screen and theres an option to go to fullscreen to see it like on tv! Its fab, now Im getting addicted, will have to buy the other seasons on DVD!!
I love the Series , Im not sure where it is supposed to be set, but I love the styles of houses, her Antique shop ( now theres a project Id love to do, its all very shabby chic aniquey, love it!) and I love Melindas dress sense too! Romantic/gothic style.
Hope you enjoy this too.
I like the show too although I don't watch it every week. I should record it but I already record too MANY TV shows!
I've seen dollhouses on several shows I watch. They're becoming more common, even my soap AMC had a dollhouse in several episodes!
I saw this when it came on TV! Fun episode!! And I just spotted a Dollhouse in a Ghost Hunters episode last night ... it wasn't haunted but I just saw it in the background :) I got excited for some reason - haha - ara
One of my favorite episodes :)
Oh I will have to watch this ! I have only ever seen a couple of episodes but really enjoyed those, I remember the antique shop is gorgous, would make a fab mini project :0)
julie xx
Your so lucky in the US, Im always spying gorgeous American dollhouses on US shows. My fav is the one in the Friends Episode, a huge house, and I love the HCarmed dollhouse too, there is an episode that they get miniaturised into it!
I think Ive got enough stuff in all my many boxes to make an antique shop, so maybe when the children are all at school and I have more time.....another project!!lol xxx
I don't watch TV so I've not heard of that show but it is cool if dollhouses are popping up all over TV !
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