Thankyou to all our 200 Followers we are so happy and privileged to have you all follow our little blog!
As a thank you we are having not 1 but 2 giveaways for you all to take part in. Both to be drawn/chosen on Wednesday next week 5th May
The first will be an automatic draw of all your names and the lucky winner will win a copy of Dollshouse and Miniature Scene Projects book full of fantastic miniature projects. Also this months Dolls House World Magazine which has great articles on Rick Pierce and also our own lovely Julie Campbell of Bella Belle dolls, with a great article on her and her wonderful workshop, another one Id love to have as my own to work in!
The second giveaway needs you to get your thinking caps on. Remember I told you Id recently bought 3 new dolls? Well here is number 2! I decided to make the Kates Cottage Dollshouse Emporium House as a good witch house and then remembered Julie posting a pic of this fabulous doll on her blog some time ago. I emailed her to see if she was still for sale and lucky me she was!
She has arrived, is truly magnificent, and she is residing in the quite empty, but soon to be filled, witches house and she needs of course , a name!!
So again until Wednesday next week if you post your name ideas, I will choose the winner and they will receive a wonderful copy of the great hardback book, 'Alice in Wonderland, a Visual Film Guide'. I have this book myself and bought an extra book as a giveaway prize as its so wonderful. Full of great colour pictures and info on the Tim Burton Film.
There will also be another surprise gift to go with it!
I wanted an Alice themed prize as the good witch doll is also linked to Alice in some way and when I reveal the winner, I will show you all why!!
So get thinking. And remember she is a kindly homely witch , not a nasty wicked one so that may help with your choices!!
Thank you all again and good luck to you all!
Wow! How fun!
Congrats for the well deserved 200 followers..
I am Spanish so I am not so good with English names but anyway I will participate with a very good name for a good witch: Ms. Belinda.
Thanks Kate for being so generous :)
Un beso
oooh you know how much I need that book lol.
Mildred...Millie for short. Came straight to me :-)
Julies dolls are fab aren't they. She is adorable.
Lovely doll!
How about "Elphrida Ryvenwicke Newt"
... affectionately known as "Mother Newt".
The instant I saw the good witch I thought she looked like a Maisie. She has such a kindly face, I'm glad she lives with you in a happy place!
I just love your blog!!
As for the witch I think Belinda works well for her. I was thinking Belinda Whale but I am not to sure about that. But I definitely think Belinda works.
I have not seen Alice yet. Is it good?
Congratulations on getting 200 followers!!! That's great!
Oh boy, I'm not very good with names. How about Glentilda Haggood. I came up with Haggood because you said you wanted her to be a good witch and also Glinda is the good witch in the Wizard of Oz (right?). Told ya I wasn't very good!LOL
How wonderful -- congratulations!
I think your good witch looks very much like a friend of mine -- so I'd name her Daphne :)
Astrid von Shnoodle......
Hi Kate. Lucky you to own one of Julie's dolls. Can we post more than one name? For starters I submit Rowena.
Elainor maybe? Or maybe just Martha? ;) Congrats on 200 Followers!:)
The name Mildred popped into my head when I saw her face...
But actually, then I remembered Mildred is also the name of the worst witch! So that won't work...
But then my mind went BLANK!
Not even browsing through baby names sites could erase MILDRED.
Enhorabuena por los 200 seguidores.
El nombre que mas me gusta para una brujita "buena" Sirin.
besitos ascension
Thank you for the nice welcome as a follower, and how fun to be your number 200!!!!
Seing the lovely doll made me think of Lucinda-Lucy for short.... you know... from Lucifer!!!
Not that she look nothing but kind, but she looks like she has that glimpse in her eye; you better be careful or she will turn you in to a little rat!!!!!
I hope you like my suggestion...
Fab give away prizes by the way!!!!!
Synnøve :)
Congratulations reaching 200 followers! It's a pleasure to be a follower of your blog! And I would say the name of the lovely lady on the picture is Maggie! Have a nice day and good luck to all!
CONGRATULATIONS! 200 followers!! WOW.....that is so great. I have just started a blog last week and look forward to having my list of followers grow!!
Esme would be a good name for your witch.....she looks sweet!
Well, at first she looked like a Gertrude to me, maybe Gertie for short but then on second thought, Philodendra seems to suit her and for short, Phila or Dendra. Congratulations on your 200. I have now surpassed that and MUST, MUST, MUST have my giveaway soon. My darned little job (where I am now) and end of school stuff for three children now is my excuse!
Oh heavens, i love this doll of Julies. I think her kindly witches are wonderful.
As for a name....mmm....not sure
Maybe.... Nanny Bella Mctane.
Its that time of year:O)
I of names have to give two:
Efigenia because she give me the idea of a Nanny good
Ernesta because it was the name of my grandmother and she resembles a lot sincerely.
I don't know if you can like...the name that we give to the people or to the things is very tied up to our memories.
I also give the name to the my plants! :-)
However the old lady is fantastic!
She's wonderful Kate and she has the most wonderful face and clothes. :o))
I'm hopeless at names myself, so I will pass on this one!
Congratulations on reaching 200 followers! :o) I've been busy and too tired to blog this week. :o(
Michelle xxx
First of all, congratulations with 200 followers. It is very kind that you give away two prizes. But now the name ..... I choose Frivolia. For now I wish you a wonderful weekend greetings Ingrid
Hi Kate,
Congratulations on reaching 200 followers!! :o)
How fantastic a competition!! And fabulous prises, too!! How exciting!! My suggestion for the wonderful little witch is 'Gwendolina Gillikins' :o)
Have a fantastic bank holiday weekend & I hope the sun keeps shining!!
Love Kerry .x.x.x.
!Que ilusión, un nuevo sorteo, una buena iniciativa. tiene unos trabajos maravillosos.
Un abrazo Carmen
I think she should be called Harriot Borlotti Peatop she is mad on beans and grows her own in her garden. They are not ordinary beans but magic ones which she cooks and makes into potions to make her friends well.:-)
great blog again Kate, mmmm now i am thinking , ok my ^ year old daughter has asked me to say a good name may be Mrs Ratatat lol, so there you go. xx
My daughter Kaylie wanted to add one to the list:
Agitha Van Doodle
She loves your daughter's blog by the way! She has been bugging me for a blog also, but I think she just wants to decorate it and play around with different backgrounds.
Congratulations on reaching 200 followers! The doll is lovely, she looks so kind. I think she looks like she might called Anna Elisabeth.
Hi, would love to be included on your giveaway.
I think your witch looks like a Esmerelda, Esme to her friends.
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