Saturday, 17 April 2010

Thankyou for our Blog Awards!

Aplogies for the lateness of my response to being awarded 2 new Awards for our blog! Easter holidays with 5 children are somewhat manic and time consuming!
Firstly from the lovely Michelle,

Thankyou for our Award, you are so kind! We love your blog too, always eager for your posts!

And secondly to, another lovely Award, it means alot to know we are appreciated thankyou for choosing us !

The Awards should go to 5 blogs for the first, and 10 for the 2nd, so as Im sure alot of the 15 blogs I would choose have been honoured with these already so I award it to all our wonderful followers with huge thanks for reading our blog and for finding the time out of busy lives to make such lovely and helpful comments.

Next time, if there is one i promise to jump to it and award it quickly before you have all already got it!

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