I mean this in the nicest way!!!
I have bought many miniature birds and animals from the ever-so talented and lovely Nicky Cooper, and always thought of her as the queen of birds and wildlife, although I soon discovered she makes the most beautiful dolls also.
Well a few weeks ago Nicky made something with a difference and I think I can safely say that ever since that, her love of these little fellows and our love of them too, has grown and grown.
Nicky made a dragon head plaque and called him 'Ice' he was just incredible and I knew Emily would love him for her Merlin room. So I was lucky enough to buy him.

THEN a few days later Emily saw that Nicky had made another dragon and she loved it even more as its style was more suited to her project and so I bought her 'Midnight' and she just adores him! I was quite chuffed as it meant I could keep Ice for myself and we had one each!
When he arrived, in the parcel was a gift from Nicky of something she had been experimenting with, a baby Ice hatching out of his egg. He is precious and will go in the Potter house in Dumbeldore's office for him to look after.
Please check out Nickys wonderful work on her ebay page.
You will soon see from the great feedback how many people are loving these new creations!
And its not just dragons, but Nicky is also making other fantasy work, and next week I hope to get a very special piece that leapt out at me for Dumbeldore's office that I was very very lucky to win! He is this amazing Firebird which will proudly mount on the study wall! Cant wait to get him!

These are new, original and creative miniatures that are taking the miniature scene by storm, hence why I now call Nicky the 'Queen of the Dragons!!'
Love all your new minis Kate. You've collected loads over the holidays. Especially the Hare from Jain, & the hats from Kat. Have had loads of trouble leaving comments! But have been dropping in.
Managed at long last to win one of Nicky's Dragons yesterday! xxx
They are all fabalous, I must go and do some shopping ;0)
I can't decide which I like the best, they are all great, they will be superb in your projects.
Julia xxx
They all look wonderful! Such amazing work! :-D
Thanks everyone, and cant wait to see your new dragon Debbie!They are a must arnt they! xxx
I love the dragons but the pheonix is great! I have a couple of Nikki's dragons too including one of her larger ones and every one is different.
Thank you so much Kate :) I dont think I will ever run out of ideas for dragons :) I am having such a wonderful time making them all :) I just need a little dragon snooze first LOL :)
My favourite dragon mini maker methinks! They are all so wonderful! I love midnight and the firebird the most! Once all my commissions are complete, I have a few ideas for commissions for Nicky...I am assuming she does them! lol
You are so lucky to own so many! :o))
I've been having trouble with comments too..again! Grrr!
Michelle xxxxx
Janice Ive seen one of yours he is so cute!
Nicky, Im sure you wont be snoozing too long, you love them too much!
Michelle, isnt Nicky the best, makes me want a dragon project of its own , but I HAVE to resist! But I do have 2 comissions too that I want to ask Nicky about so once shes had a break Ill be on to her too! xxxx
Beautiful items! Love the first one the most!
Wow! I am impressed. It is wonderful!!
that's an awesome dragon! she does really good work!
Marisa Stein
WOW I love these dragons!
Si, Nicky es un gran artista. Me gustan tus compras. Son unos dragones preciosos. El recien nacido saliendo del huevo hay que cuidarlo :)
Besos Clara
you outbid me on 2 of them! LOL ...but only because you have the unfair advantage of using GBP as your currency. Our dollar is only worth .59 cents to the GBP.
Ah well next time!!!
hugs Karin
Glad you all like them but SO sorry to Poor Karin, sorry hun, but Im sure Nicky will be making lots more and you will be lucky! I feel bad , I was worried when I bid on the firebird that someone I knew may be bidding! xxxx
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