To explain, we took the children to the park and treated them to a McDonalds for tea and when we got home, the wallet that John had given ME to look after ( BIG MISTAKE!!!!) was no longer in my pocket!! John had just been to the Cashpoint to withdrawer enough money for a charity Scooter run he is going on tomorrow so it was rather fuller than usual, plus the usual credit cards, driving licence etc!! We checked the car, house etc just incase Id put it down somewhere, then went back to then park, and it was nowhere to be found. John is a terrible joker and always playing practical jokes and he was so incredibly calm that i thought he was winding me up and was about to announce he had it all along! But after he phoned the police I realised he wasnt winding me up!!
I was crying, so cross with myself that I had lost it, but he just sat down to dinner like nothing had happened! Then a knock at the door and there was a guy from school with his 3 children , all who we know and the wallet! They had found it in the car park, and the children recognised the photo John has of me in there and came and found us to return it! John gave all the children a reward so they went home with great big smiles having learnt a good lesson that a good deed pays kindly!! Kind of spooky that it was them that found it as the park is a good half hour from our house, not a local park and we have never seen anyone we know in there before. It was sheer coincidence that they happened to go to the park that evening, and a good one for us!!
ANWYAY!!!.......... when the guy rang at the door, he also pointed out the parcel guy had a left parcels, ( he does that, it makes me sooo mad, just leaves them by the front door with not a knock or anything!!!) , so John got his wallet back and I had 2 parcels to open to cheer me up too!!
The biggest parcel was from Nikki, and I opened it up to find not only the magnificent wizard bottles we won on ebay, but also Nikki had so kindly put in, not 1 but 2 packages of various glass bottles for us to use in our projects!! They will come in so handy Nikki, we cant thankyou enough!! And also, a beautifully made bag, which Nikki has promised to make a Dragon Eye clasp for, which we think we will give to Violetta Vinweed the Potions Mistress . Its brilliant! How kind you are!
The second parcel was from Doreen, Nikki's friend. In this was a wonderful lizard preparation board, you may have seen it on Nikki's postings. We did , and contacted her to ask if we could buy one from her as its perfect for the Potter Potion room. Nikki was sending them to Doreen for her website so we did as suggested and contacted Doreen who so kindly agreed to send one on to us, the other one was already spoken for too, so you may be asked to make More Nikki!!! This is amazing, its a little lizard who is being disected!
We may now make another potion desk for the room, as we have alot of boards now so need more room for the students to work on them!
So all in all, a great ending to what could have been a bad day!!
We love our new minis, and cant wait to put them into place. We are thinking the bottles can go on the fireplace, and then we will have to make another potion shelf for the smaller ones. And cant wait to filll the empty ones with all sorts of concoctions.
Looking forward to more of Nikkis listings, we felt very privaleged to win these. What we love is they are not only brightly coloured ( my fav is the purple one!!) , but also heavy, so they feel like very real bottles. Good job Nikki, we think these are a big hit, and you should make more!