Monday, 18 May 2009

A Cool Blog Award and 50 Followers to Celebrate....ooh and winning Nikki's Precious Bottles too!!!

What a great night.

Firstly thankyou Kat from for our 'Cool Blog' Award, what a great one to recieve. I love butterflies and purple my favourite colour so a lovely award to add to our others. This is what Kat said about our blog :-

"The Whittaker's lovely spooky houses. I actually tell people who don't "do the internets much" to go see this blog. Have gone so far as to type in the web address myself and sit them in chairs. "

.................I do hope they watch of their own free will Kat, I now have visons of them being tied to the chair and Made to read our blog, he he!!!! But Im sure your too lovely for that!
Im sure you wont mind if I honour everyone of our blog followers with this award, as with hospital trips things are so busy at the moment, I dont have the time Id love to sit and peruse the blogs as much, and to list just 7 individuals, so I award it to you all for having such cool blogs .
We made 50 Followers too, Welcome everyone, you are all so special. I think the 50th follower is Debie from , we have just joined your blog too Debie , love your amazing creations.
And to top the night off, we sat with bated breath tonight, wanting desperatly to win Nikkis amazing wizard bottles for the potion room! We missed out on Sunday after unexpected visitors arrived so we didnt get on the computer. ( i wondered if they noticed me sitting cursing at them under my breath!!!!) . So tonight I made sure all was quiet, children in bed with books, while John and i refreshed and refreshed until they showed up, and quick as a flash we pressed that button!! So apologies to those others of you that wanted them too,. but think of it the next batch may have the beads and strings and then Ill be jealous of you too!!

Have a great evening everyone. Im going to finish it off with a nice coffee and choccie muffin while I catch up on some blogs and John watches footy!! ( yawn!!!) lol


Crafts From The Stash said...

Hello (waves) thank you for your kind words about my work :O). I know what you mean about Nikki's bottles going so quickly! Congratulations on winning some tonight.
Debie xxx

George the Miniguy said...

Now you have OVER 50 followers. Congrats on your milestone.

Debbie said...

"Congratulations Kate & John".. On both your award and managing to get some of Nikki's Bottles..

Whittaker's Miniatures said...

Hi Debie, nice to have you! Look forward to seeing your bottles , will you use them in your wizard setting??
George, just been over to see your blog, its wonderful, full of so many things that will be of great interest, so thanks for following, lovely to have you.
Debbie, thankyou, and as soon as the bottles arrive Ill have great pride in adding them to the potion room!They are too cool!

nikkinikkinikki72 said...

Hi Kate and John. Glad you are this happy about them.
The bit about Kat really made me laugh. Can she not just magic spells on everyone and make them sit... lol. She's nice like that and always promotes people.
Also pleased Debie was your 50th follower. She's really sweet and very kind.
I'm meant to be ironing but thought i'd pop in and say hi.