Monday, 11 May 2009

Thanks Kat for our Goth Award!!

He He another award and what a cool one, a new award from Kat the Hat lady, which is so cool thanks Kat!!
The children are still moaning at me to have our Harry Potter weekend where we sit and watch the films back to back all dressed in our favourite characters costumes so when this happens you will all see this gothic side as my Favourite is Bellatrix and I have the outfit already. Long gothic black velvet lace up dress and thigh length boots, he he, sounds a bit kinky but I got them at a car boot especially for the occasion for £2 so couldnt resist!! As for the wild hair, well if it starts in the morning Ill be fine cos my hair look like that first thing anwyay!!! Plus the dark shadows under eyes are a permanent fixture too!!
Im eagerly awating a parcel from Kat with the new hats I purchased from ebay and if i know Kat there will be goodies too woopee!
As soon as i get it, out will come the camera and ill post them on here for all to see. My witches hat shop is becoming to small and Ill need another floor soon! Maybe Ill have to follow our daughter Lolas advice and make a roof top tea rooms with little stalls of hats up there so witches can shop while they sip their 'tea' witches even drink tea????

Thanks again for this different style of award and we have great delight in adding it to other others xxxxxx


Creager Studios said...

What a FUN Award...very stylish!!

A GREAT BIG Congrats!!!

Happy Monday


MiniKat said...

Congrats on your award! :-)

My friend who taught me how to do the gift bag rooms has a tutorial here:

If the link gives you trouble you can go to it "the long way."
"My Minis" button
"Gift Bags" button

Enjoy! :-)

Witchkrafting with Kat said...

Kate, Oh what great fun! Sounds a great idea to me. Get in plenty of crisps and dips! You will have to post photos of you all dressed up! Parcel should be with you very soon if not already. Let me know when it arrives :-). xxx