Today the big box came and excitedly I opened it to find the most wonderful house inside. So much better than the photos show it, and ideal for the new fairy project.
Its tricky to see from the pic but the outside walls have already been rendered in a lovely deep creamy colour so I wont need to change them, Ill just paint the interior in a matching tone of buttermilk.
Ill need to put it on a base with turntable and then this base can be made to have the garden with flowers, stones etc.
The only damage was the top floor was coming away from the wall but I had intended to get John to cut me a new floor anyway as theres too big a gap and it needs more floor space if Im going to fit all the bedroom furniture in.
All that needs doing on the outside is the thatch, vines, chimney fitted , and garden.
The house is incredibly light so will be easy to carry around wherever I want to work on it.
Really pleased with it, for just over £30!!
Also I ordered a wonderful little boot flower planter, the first thing to go in the garden, couldnt resist!
Off to start stripping the cot mattress for the thatch material.
What a wonderful fairy house. Where did you order it from?
Please let us see more photos as the fairies make it their home.
Wow- it's wonderful. A really great buy! I can't wait to see how the thatching turns out. This house is going to be so fun!!!
Kate, it's wonderful and I love the boot planter! It reminds me of Lady Bug . . . she makes the cutest fairies and plants. I have one of her plants, it's a dogwood plant and in the petals is the head of a doggie. I'll snap a picture, if I can get a good close up, and put it on my blog!
Well I love that boot planter!!! Where did you get that? How cool.
Tabitha (aka Susan)
That house is already wonderful.
How exciting!!! It's always fun to start a new project! Keep us posted on what you doing with it...
That boot planter is perfect!! Too cute
what an adorable little house...perfect for fairies.
The boot is really cute as well :-)
Looking forward to seeing what you do with the house,what a bargain!!! Where did you get that boot,it is fabulous! Jain x
I think you're going to have such fun with this! :-)
Hi N.E.Time, isnt it cute! A fabulous bargain on Ebay, you sometimes get lucky! Will show piccis as we go along x
Kim, Im working on the best way to thatch right now. Hmm tricky one, if I lay it in sheets it may not look right so may have to individually bundle it as in real thatch, lots of work! Hopew its fun :-) x
Hi Marsha, Id love to see your Lady Bug minis if you get a chance, Im into looking for pretty flowers now, abit of a change from the gory Sweeney project eh! xx
Tabitha, the boot planter was from http://myworld.ebay.co.uk/cottonridge
the lady Nikki recommended for leaves. She has lovely items, couldnt resist!! x
Hi Judy, thanks, Im excited, its quite a change of theme for me! x
Katie, it is exciting. Im sad, when i get something new I just want to plough in and work all night, but wont be allowed :-( x
Jayne, Thinking lots of flowers and plants !! No foxgloves though I promise.........though they would look cool!! Thinking of calling it Lilly Cottage and basing it on lots of lillies though, sound doable? x
Jain, check out the ladies contact, in the US but cheap shipping too. Cant wait to get on with it x
Kat, oooh yep fun fun fun. All pretty flowery things, so not me, but you can always do with a change i think from time to time x
Yeah foxgloves would look cool...hope you can find someone who'll make them for ya :-)
Lillie's would be a doddle... I think.
How would you do it..in pots or planted in the garden..and what kind.
Lily Cottage is a lovely name...If I had daughters I'd have named oneLily.
This looks absolutely gorgeous ! I bet you are so excited and I cant wait to watch it as you work, the thatching sounds like it might be messy but fun !
Love that cute little boot too :0)
julie xxx
Jayne, I think I'd like a few to be planted in the garden an dthen maybe a vase in the house. Im trying to find reasonable silk lillies for decorating the outside as in one of the pics in the earlier posting, so they come up over the house. John isnt keen on this effect, says it looks too much and i should keep it to scale but If i can get some cheap im going to see what it looks like. The house is very cream, so I think a lily with some colour to brighten it up, but I do love the pale ones!!xx
Hi Julie, yep found out today thatching is very messy!!!!! tricky too, but aldredy i can see it will look good....she says hopefully!!! lol xx
That's just awesome! Wait to hear the pitter-patter of little faery feet!
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